Online consultation by doctors isn’t new but it has surged to become a basic part of medical and health care since the Coronavirus reached America. As patients like you and me are avoiding in-person trips to the doctor’s office, more and more health care and health insurance companies are offering telephone or internet consultations by physicians.

But the doctors are NOT the ones making appointments for these consultations. Behind the scenes are thousands of men and women working from home making arrangements for the doctors to “virtually visit” patients in one of two ways:
1) Health care plans, including Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, are hiring people to handle incoming phone calls from patients and schedule the medical consultation appointments. These member support people schedule in-person visits to a doctor for some callers, or tele-doctor services for others. The health plan or insurance company establishes the questions to ask for screening.
2) Other health care plans are being proactive and contacting their members, especially new members, to find out how they are feeling. The health care member service person places an outgoing phone call to members/patients and arranges a time for the doctor to call and discuss the patient’s health and prescription needs.
In addition to working remotely for doctors and health care companies, there are many other types of telephone jobs including doing surveys, retrieving medical records, and answering customer calls about problems with a product or service.
What you need: a newish computer with fast internet access, a phone headset, good people skills including patience when talking calmly with sometimes frightened or upset people. Speaking good English is necessary and having a second language increases your chances of employment. You also need a quiet place to work with no noise from family, pets or from outside your home.
Where to find these work from home jobs: If a health care or health insurance company is located near you, check out their Employment Opportunities first. Look for the Member Service or Customer Service listings and be sure to check to see if the jobs are classified as Work-Remotely. Two companies that specialize in telephone Work-from-Home jobs are and Always read the reviews of every company that you are considering working for or working with. Also carefully check how often and by what method you will be paid.
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