Retiree income from golf and sports

How retirees make extra money from sports

You love golf.  Or maybe it is baseball.  Or perhaps soccer is your game. Obviously, you will not earn the millions that golf champions do, but here are a couple of ideas of how to make some extra spending money based on your interest and knowledge of sports.

A man we met recently resells slightly used sports equipment at flea markets.  He buys the equipment at garage and moving sales.

One tip he offered: make sure that the sporting equipment–golf clubs, soccer balls, baseball bats, baseball gloves, etc.–is in very good condition. If they look beat up, they will not command a profit-making price.

He told us he also sells some of the items he buys to a local store that specializes in used sports equipment.  Used sporting goods stores are not located in all parts of the country, so search online for one nearby.

Retireess golfingSports knowledge swings open the retail door

Retirees are often more willing to work part time or odd hours and those factors can increase a person’s chances of being hired to work in a sporting goods store or a golf shop. Younger people generally want full time work.

You can further increase your chances for employment by being willing to work odd hours:  early morning, for example, or on holidays or weekends.  Again, this gives you, as a retiree, an edge over younger people who might not want to work at those times.  Then, when you get the job you will be doing what you really enjoy!

working after retirement ebook

Sports online can mean money in your pocket

You could also earn money by setting up a website that focuses on local sports and sporting events.  Read how to be more successful with a sports blog

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